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Why is the inward-opening inward-turning window the preferred window type?


Friends who have lived or traveled in Europe know that inward-opening, inward-turning windows are completely "standard configurations" in Europe, and most residential projects use inward-opening, inward-turning windows, especially in Germany. Why do Germans love to use inward-opening and inward-turning windows so much? Let's take a look at the interior layout of the Germans first!

The owner has put all kinds of green plants on the windowsill of a large window, doesn't he think it is too troublesome to remove the green plants when the window is opened?

The window sills outside are also full of flower pots and flowers. Don't the Germans open their windows? of course not! Because their windows don't usually open completely flat inwards or outwards at all! At most, it is ventilated from the inside, and the green plants are not affected at all when the windows are turned inside!

Except for the green plants on the windowsill, the windows cannot be opened flat at all, because the sofa is higher than the windowsill! Hehe, because their environment is too clean, there is no chance to clean the windows at all, so the 1% chance of completely opening inwards basically does not exist... (In fact, Germans like to put various windows on the windowsill. This kind of decoration, especially the window directly facing the street, the Germans will use it as a window to decorate, place green plants or interesting artworks to bring happiness and warmth to passersby, which will not be explained here).

On the other hand, looking at China, although it has been many years since the introduction of inward-opening and inner-turning windows, we found that there are still many people who do not know much about inner-opening and inner-turning windows, including some developers, designers and other professionals. Therefore, as a disseminator of advanced door and window concepts, we believe that it is still necessary to publish a special article, and combined with the use of a large number of residential interior windows that are shot on the spot in Germany, to clarify the advantages of interior windows and clarify the Some misunderstandings.

The so-called inward-opening inward-turning window means that it can be opened flat to the room like ordinary inner-casement windows, or it can be "turned inward", that is, the lower frame of the window sash does not move, and the upper part of the window sash tilts toward the room.

Misunderstanding 1: Inward opening and inner inverted windows will affect the indoor space

We all know that the two main functions of windows are lighting and ventilation. For inward-opening and inward-turning windows, the ventilation function can be achieved only by placing the window in the "inward-turning" state. Since the window is in the inverted state, the upper part of the window sash is only ten centimeters away from the window frame. On the one hand, the window is often installed in the hole in the wall, and on the other hand, the curtain track is still several centimeters or even ten centimeters away from the wall. Therefore, the use of curtains will not be affected at all when the window is in an inverted state. At the same time, the inversion of the window actually avoids the possibility of "fighting" with cabinets, faucets, wardrobes, furniture, etc. when the window is open.

Misunderstanding 2: Inward opening and inner inverted windows will affect ventilation

When the window is inverted, not only can the room be naturally ventilated, but the most important thing is that the air enters the room from the window and the side, and will not blow directly to the human body, especially when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, it can greatly reduce the number of people. Risk of cold and cold due to direct blowing. Especially in high-rise apartments or empty villas, the wind is strong in spring and autumn, and the inverted state of the windows completely makes the exchange of indoor and outdoor air smooth, comfortable and soft.

Misunderstanding 3: Inward opening and inner inverted windows will affect lighting

The lighting performance of the window depends on the light transmission performance of the glass. For the needs of window lighting, no matter whether the window is inwardly opened, inwardly inverted, or closed, the light can enter the room through the glass unimpeded. Therefore, for the functional requirement of lighting, the inwardly opened and inwardly inverted windows fully meet the requirements. .

Misunderstanding 4: Inward-opening and inner-turning windows remain flat for a long time

If you have the opportunity to go to Europe, you may wish to pay attention to the windows of those villas, apartments, or modern or classical houses, you will find, as mentioned above, those atmospheric, simple and bright windows, 99 % are in two states: closed or inverted. Windows only open fully inward 1% of the time, and most of that 1% chance is probably spent on window cleaning.

Due to the popularization of modern minimalist design styles, more and more window designs tend to be larger and more concise. Indeed, if these windows are usually open flat, more than 30% of the space in the room may be occupied, and then , After understanding the above common sense about the use of inward-opening and inner-turning windows, you know, then why do you have to worry that the inner-opening and inner-turning windows will take up indoor space?

In addition, the unique inverting function of the inward-opening inward-turning window has the incomparable advantages of other window types:

1. Optimize ventilation performance.

When the window is inverted, not only can the room be naturally ventilated, but the most important thing is that the air enters the room from the window and the side, and will not blow directly to the human body, especially when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, it can greatly reduce the number of people. Risk of cold and cold due to direct blowing. Especially in high-rise apartments or empty villas, the wind is strong in spring and autumn, and the inverted state of the windows completely makes the exchange of indoor and outdoor air smooth, comfortable and soft.

2. Improve security.

When the window is collapsed, the window is open and ventilated. Compared with the casement window or the casement window, it is very safe and has anti-theft performance. The reason is very simple - although a thief can put his hand into the window, but Can't open the window, let alone enter the room! Therefore, the owner can completely set the window to the inverted state when leaving the house, which not only ensures continuous ventilation, but also does not have to worry about the patronage of gentlemen on the beam.

3. Dustproof and rainproof

When the window is inverted, the airflow entering the room will first face the blocking of the glass, and the heavier dust particles in the air will not be able to make "sharp turns" and will naturally be blocked outdoors. On rainy days, since the rain falls from the top down, even if it deviates into the room due to the wind direction, it will be blocked from the window due to the glass blocking of the inverted window. Therefore, when the owner is not at home, there is no need to worry about unexpected rain damage to furniture, floors, etc.

4. Ease of cleaning

Owners who live on the second floor or above and use external windows must have the following painful experience: the window is basically impossible to clean, because it is very simple, it opens outward, even if your arms are long enough and flexible enough to stretch out of the window, But unfortunately you live on the 28th floor. Is it too dangerous to stick most of your body out of the window to clean the window? And the inward-opening inward-turning window does not have this trouble at all, as long as the window is completely opened inward, it is easy to take care of it, a piece of cake!

5. Suitable for installing outdoor sunshade products

In Germany, special attention is paid to the energy saving of doors and windows, so there must be sunshade products outside the windows to prevent excessive sun exposure and save the cooling energy consumption of air conditioners.

In summary, we can draw a very simple conclusion

For the inward-opening and inner-turning windows, more than 99% of the time, only two states are maintained: the closed state or the inward-turning state. And there are only two possibilities for this 1% fully open state: the need for short-term enhanced ventilation, and the need to clean the windows.

Now, do you have a better understanding of the inward-opening and inward-turning windows? Of course, accepting a new concept and a new product requires courage to try. The window form of "inward opening and inner inverted window" has been popularized in Europe for decades, and it has been proved to be the most humane, We should take a closer look at the most reasonable form of window opening, and then completely abandon the old concepts in our minds, and embrace it with enthusiasm with the attitude of accepting beautiful new things!