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How to choose the type of aluminum alloy doors and windows?


Many people say that the water in the aluminum alloy doors and windows industry is too deep. When newly renovated owners choose doors and windows, ninety-nine out of one hundred people will be trapped. Baydee also saw such a joke on the Internet: In China, every time you buy something you don’t understand, you will become an expert in this field.

Although the ridicule of this sentence is a bit exaggerated, it also reflects that the transparency of many industries is too poor. Consumers often fight wits with merchants when making choices, but they are powerless.

As an aspiring popular science channel, Baydee Windows and Doors Science is determined to improve the communication barrier between the aluminum alloy doors and windows industry and consumers. From the three dimensions of aluminum alloy doors and windows purchase, design, and acceptance, 120 practitioners in the door and window industry and The knowledge of aluminum alloy doors and windows that consumers are eager to know.

Today, Baydee will explain to you how the aluminum alloy doors and windows are classified.

1. What are the benefits of knowing how doors and windows are classified?

First of all, it will let you know what your needs and favorite doors and windows are like when you buy them.

For example, what are your usage habits, what are your needs for sound insulation and ventilation, and what is your psychological price? These all affect the choice of door and window models. After understanding the classification of doors and windows, you will not be led astray by merchants when purchasing.

Secondly, I have a preliminary concept of the price of the product, such as the impact of the difference in the opening form of doors and windows on the price, and the impact of the product series of doors and windows on the price.

2. Classification of aluminum alloy doors and windows

Aluminum alloy doors and windows generally have five classification forms. They are divided by use (can be divided into exterior wall and interior wall), function, opening form, product series, and specifications.

Among them, the opening form, product series, and functions of aluminum alloy doors and windows are most closely related to consumers' choices. Due to the impact of space, the functional categories and choices of aluminum alloy doors and windows will be specifically written in later articles. Baydee will talk about the opening form this time. , two categories of product series. Uses, specifications, and functions are classified as follows:

(1) According to the purpose of classification can be divided into:

a: For exterior walls. Codenamed W

b: For interior walls. Codenamed N

(2) Classification according to specifications

The basis for this classification is very simple, that is, the width and height dimensions of doors and windows, and the unit is mm. For example, if the width of the door and window is 1200 mm and the height is 1470 mm, then the dimension model of the door and window is 120147.

(3) According to the function of use, it can be divided into:

a: Common type. Codename PT

b: sound insulation type. Code GS

c: insulation type. Codename BW

d: shade type. Code ZY

3. Types of door and window opening forms and purchase angles

The opening forms of doors and windows are mainly divided into three categories: flat opening and rotating, push and pull translation, and folding (it doesn’t matter if you don’t know, Baydee found a picture)

(1) Classification and code of the opening form of the door

(Swing doors), (Sliding doors), (Top-hung windows), (Middle-hung windows), (Bottom-hung windows)

When purchasing doors and windows, it is necessary to understand the opening form of doors and windows. On the one hand, everyone has different usage habits and psychological prices, and only you know your own lifestyle. For example, opening habits, space location habits, ventilation habits, cleaning habits, sound insulation requirements, etc.;

On the other hand, different types of doors and windows have different functional characteristics. For example, outer casement windows are suitable for low-rise residences, while inner casement windows are relatively safe. Sliding windows save more space than casement windows, but the sound insulation is not good enough. Composite windows combine the advantages of the above two types of windows but are more expensive.

Therefore, when choosing doors and windows, you need to consider other things on the premise of understanding the window type.

4. Door and window selection elements by product series

The division of product series is the way we usually hear the most business introductions, and it is usually the place where businesses are most likely to be fooled. It is divided according to:

The product series of aluminum alloy doors and windows are divided by the size of the door and window frame in the depth direction of the opening, that is, the thickness and structural size of the door and window frame (unit: mm).

Usually, the basic series is divided into an order of 10 mm, and the auxiliary series is taken as an order of 5 mm. For example, for the 80 series in daily life, the thickness of the door and window frames should be between 80 and 84 mm, and for the 65 series, it should be between 65 and 69 mm.

Why is the category of door and window series the most easily fooled by merchants? Baydee believes there are two reasons:

First: The larger the series, the higher the cost of construction, and relatively speaking, the more expensive the price. Of course, it is not to say that the larger the selected door and window series, the better, as long as it is suitable.

Second: In life, many merchants and products will falsely report the series. For example, the merchants say that this is the 90 series, but the actual size may only be 72mm. It may be that it is only the 55 series, but it is called the 60 series.

So how to avoid the second situation? Baydee teaches you to bring a tape measure when choosing doors and windows. As soon as the merchant recommends the door and window series to you, you take out the tape measure and measure it yourself.

5. Summary

Learning the opening form, product series and function classification of aluminum alloy doors and windows is the first step in choosing doors and windows suitable for your home. After all, once the doors and windows are installed, it is difficult to replace them easily. The most important thing is that it will affect you for decades in the future. quality of life.